The major bookseller sent an email notifying customers of the cyber attack that exposed their personal information, including transaction history and email addresses.

Fortunately, no payment information was exposed as a result of the attack. The company also reported that they have taken steps to ensure the security of its customer data and is working with an external security firm to investigate the breach.

The incident has prompted calls for improved online security practices and legislation designed to protect consumer data. Companies are increasingly expected to implement stronger security measures such as encryption, secure authentication, and two-factor authentication to protect customer data from attackers.

Legislators are also considering new laws that would require companies to notify customers of any data breaches and put in place measures for responding more quickly and effectively to such incidents.

While the perpetrator of the attack is still unknown, it highlights the importance of taking proactive steps to protect customer data from cybercriminals. Companies must do their part by implementing effective security measures and staying up to date with the latest developments in data privacy. Consumers must also remain vigilant and take steps to protect their personal information such as using strong passwords and two-factor authentication.

As e-commerce continues to grow, data breaches are likely to become more common in the coming years. Companies must be prepared to respond quickly and effectively while consumers should stay vigilant and take steps to protect their personal information. By taking these measures, customers can rest assured that their data is safe.

The world of e-commerce has grown exponentially in the past few years, and with it, more and more data breaches are popping up. In 2022 alone, over 50 million customers have been affected by various data breaches. From Revolut to SHEIN, Alibaba to Uber, no one is safe from the dangers of a data breach. If you’re an e-commerce business owner or customer, this is something you need to be aware of. In this article, we will explore what a retail data breach is, the cost of a data breach as well as how to prevent them from occurring in the future. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest data breaches and leaks that occurred in 2022.

Information on E-commerce Data Privacy

Data privacy is an important consideration for e-commerce businesses, and knowledge of potential risks and protection of customer information is necessary. Data breaches can lead to significant financial and trust losses.

E-commerce businesses need data to power their operations, from identifying potential customers to selling through targeted advertising. Collecting customer information is key for successful sales, but also makes them vulnerable to data breaches. To ensure your customers’ data is secure, you should use strong encryption techniques when collecting and storing this sensitive information. Furthermore, you should also have a plan in place for responding quickly if a breach does occur.

In the coming years, it will be more important than ever for online businesses to stay vigilant about protecting their customers’ data. With the proliferation of cyber threats in 2022, e-commerce companies will need to take extra measures to ensure their customers are safe from any malicious attacks or data breaches that might occur.

Major data breaches and leaks of 2022

It’s been a tough year for data security. 2022 saw more than 4,100 publicly disclosed data breaches, with an estimated 22 billion records exposed. The numbers are expected to rise even further in the coming years as cybercriminals become increasingly sophisticated in their methods.

The most high-profile breaches of 2022 involved digital banking provider Revolut, social media platform Twitter, ride-sharing app Uber, and video game developer Rockstar. Combined they accounted for millions of records being exposed due to various vulnerabilities, ranging from errors in software coding to malicious phishing campaigns.

It’s not just large companies feeling the impact either; smaller businesses are also vulnerable to attack. Unfortunately, this means that no one is immune from becoming a victim of cybercrime – but there are measures you can put in place to protect yourself and your business from potential attackers. View the largest database of data breaches compiled by our partner. 


On September 11, 2022, Revolut experienced a data breach involving the personal information of over 50,000 users. Information obtained included names, homes, and email addresses, along with partial payment card details. The card details were obscured.

Revolut acted quickly to eliminate the attacker’s access to its customer data once it became aware of the breach. The Lithuanian government has confirmed that Revolut took “prompt action to stop the incident”.

The public response to this event has been one of concern and outrage as customers are worried about their privacy and security. For companies like Revolut, it is vital that they prioritize security measures in order to protect user data from potential attackers and ensure customer safety.

It is clear that data breaches can have severe consequences, not just for the affected customers, but also for companies who have failed to take the necessary security measures to protect their users. As we await further details about the Revolut breach, it is certain that this event will be an important lesson in how companies should prioritize user safety and security. But this is far from the only example of data breaches impacting our lives- stay tuned to find out more about other recent cases!


In July 2022, SHEIN was subject to a data breach that impacted 39 million customers, leading New York State to impose a penalty of US$1.9 million for the incident. Investigations later found evidence indicating that the payment information of customers had been shared on a hacking forum and credit card networks alerted the payment processor and brand accordingly. The New York State Attorney General’s office has released a statement indicating that Zoetop Business Company violated customer data policies, with a significant financial penalty applied. Companies should take suitable measures to safeguard customer data from cyber threats.

It is clear that when it comes to customer data protection, companies must take the utmost care and due diligence in order to avoid such hefty fines as seen with Zoetop Business Company. As cyber security threats continue to increase, the consequences of mishandling customer data can be dire. Make sure to tune in as we explore another major data breach involving Twitter with 5.4 million accounts affected!


In October 2022, Australian healthcare and insurance provider Medibank was targeted by malicious actors who gained unauthorized access to the company’s internal systems. It was later revealed that the hackers had stolen the personal data of 9.7 million past and present customers, including confidential medical information on diagnosis and procedure codes.

In response to the data breach, Medibank refused to pay a ransom demanded by the hacker. Unfortunately, this resulted in further attacks from the malicious party, who then released “good-list” and “naughty-list” files containing customer data on November 9th.

The attack highlights how vulnerable customers can be when it comes to cyber security threats. As such, companies should always take extra precautions with their customer data in order to protect them from potential future threats like this one.

This data breach is a stark reminder of how important it is to remain vigilant against cyber security threats. Companies should always prioritize the protection of their customers’ personal and confidential information, otherwise, they risk facing serious consequences that can have devastating effects. In the next section, we will take a closer look at another recent attack targeting two major tech giants – Uber and Rockstar.

Uber and Rockstar

Uber and Rockstar reportedly suffered hacker attacks on September 15th and 19th, 2022. On September 15, a contractor’s device was compromised by malware, and their credentials were made available on the dark web. The hacker provided themselves with access to multiple employee accounts and internal tools, posted a message to the organizational Slack channel, changed Uber’s Open DNS, and presented a graphic image to employees.

On September 19, a user named teapot uber hacker posted ninety clips and footage from GTA 6 on the fan site GTAForums, revealing an unauthorized hack into Rockstar Games. It is still unknown what data was accessed by these hackers or how many people were affected in each breach. Companies should be aware of these security risks and take steps to protect themselves against future attacks.

It is clear that hackers have become more sophisticated and are willing to use any means possible to access a company’s data. Companies must be vigilant in their security measures to ensure that customer information remains safe. Stay tuned for the next post about the eBay data breach and how it impacted millions of users worldwide.


In June 2021, a Chinese court investigation concluded that an external software developer accessed 1.1 billion pieces of customer data illegally on Alibaba’s Taobao retail website between October 2020 and May 2022. The breach led to the exposure of Usernames and cellphone numbers. The developer and their company were found guilty and sentenced to three years in prison for the illegal collection of data, though the purpose appears to be for their personal use rather than resale.

This breach highlights just how important it is for businesses like Alibaba to ensure they have robust security measures in place in order to protect their customers’ data from malicious actors trying to gain access. As more and more businesses move into the digital space, implementing adequate protection will become even more critical if we want to avoid similar incidents in 2022.

hacking in E-commerce

Cost of a Data Breach

Data breaches can be extremely costly for businesses, with the average total cost of a ransomware breach being $4.62 million, and the average data breach costing $4.24 million according to IBM. This is due to the direct and indirect expenses which are suffered by the breached organization. Direct expenses include forensic experts, hotline support, credit-monitoring subscriptions, and potential settlements; while indirect costs include in-house investigations and communication, as well as customer turnover or diminished rates from a company’s impacted reputation after breaches. It is important for organizations to take measures to protect their system from data breaches as they can be prevented by implementing adequate security protocols and regularly updating systems with new patches and upgrades.

Data breaches can have a serious financial, as well as reputational, impact on businesses. It is therefore essential that organizations take the necessary steps to protect their systems and data from malicious actors. To learn more about preventive measures, stay tuned for our next section on Data Breach Prevention!

Data Breach Prevention

In 2022, it is essential that companies are taking proactive steps to ensure their data remains secure. A comprehensive cybersecurity plan should be in place and regularly assessed to identify threats and vulnerabilities. Companies should also consider implementing a biometric system as this can help reduce unauthorized access to sensitive data. Additionally, businesses should look into increasing their security budgets and allocating more funds toward protecting their assets and customers from cyberattacks. By doing this, they will reduce the risk of facing a data breach and minimize any potential damage associated with them. Ultimately, preparing for the worst-case scenario is the best way to protect your business from harm in the future.

Companies that take the necessary steps to protect their data will be better prepared for any cyber threats they may face in 2022. But what exactly is a retail data breach and how can it affect businesses? Stay tuned to find out!

Retail data breach refers to unauthorized access to confidential data held by a retail organization

A retail data breach is a type of cybersecurity incident that results in attackers gaining access to customer or company data. This can include credit card numbers, names, addresses, and passwords. Attackers use various methods to breach data in retail. This includes skimming credit card information at the point of sale, phishing emails to social engineer information to obtain passwords or bank account numbers, and sending or injecting malware that can steal or wipe data. It is important for retailers to take measures to protect their customer’s data as well as their own by using encryption technology and investing in other security measures such as two-factor authentication and firewalls. With the right security protocols in place, retailers can help protect against potential future e-commerce data breaches in 2022 and beyond.

The bottom line

In conclusion, data breaches are a serious threat to businesses and can cause immense financial and reputational damage. In 2022, it is essential that companies take proactive steps to protect their systems and data from malicious actors by implementing comprehensive security protocols such as biometric authentication, encryption technology, and two-factor authentication. By doing this they can reduce the risk of facing a data breach and minimize any potential damage associated with them. Ultimately, preparing for the worst-case scenario is the best way to protect your business from harm in the future.

Having a plan in place to quickly and effectively respond to a data breach is essential for businesses. It is important to have an incident response team in place with the necessary skills and experience to handle a breach. This team should include IT personnel, legal advisors, communication specialists, and information security professionals who are trained and ready to act at any time. Additionally, it is important to have procedures in place for reporting, investigating, and responding to incidents. By having a plan in place ahead of time, companies are better prepared to react swiftly and appropriately if a data breach occurs.

A Cloud WAF (Web Application Firewall) is an important security measure that can help protect online stores from data breaches. A Cloud WAF acts as a shield between the website and any malicious traffic, helping to detect and block malicious requests before they reach the application or website. This helps prevent attackers from gaining access to confidential data such as customer information, payment details, usernames, and passwords. Cloud WAFs use cloud-based technology to monitor and protect websites in real-time, allowing businesses to respond quickly and effectively to data breaches.