Bug Bounty Hint
You can try to perform Scientific Notation Bug Attack when playing with number input fields. Money amounts, currency conversion, etc.
...June 17, 2022
Working in https://t.co/VN6bhMkcMG cloudflare ban bypass. We will add 4 days to any sell app promotion due to the issues caused. Thanks for your patie ...June 16, 2022
Was exploiting XSS
Tried everything, but was getting blocked by the WAF.
Tried CRLF and bypassed the WAF.
Xss bypass using CRLF ?
#bugbounty #infosec ...June 15, 2022
New Bug Bounty Tool!
TTWAF, or Test This WAF, is a Web Application Firewall (WAF) bypass testing tool. You can test a list of payloads like XSS, LFI, ...June 15, 2022
Bug Bounty Hint
You can try to perform Scientific Notation Bug Attack when playing with number input fields. Money amounts, currency conversion, etc. ...June 14, 2022
Bug bounty submission: I was able do discover a domain via CT logs and bypass the WAF to connect to it
Me: you discovered a public website and connec ...June 13, 2022
If you bypass their Firewall and WAF and then scan without them, you'll see almost Iraqi banks, telephone companies, and online markets are vuln -_- ...June 12, 2022
You can bypass Akamai WAF's XXE filters by HTML encoding the SYSTEM entity within a payload like this:
<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY % a "< ...June 11, 2022
You can bypass Akamai WAF's XXE filters by HTML encoding the SYSTEM entity within a payload like this:
<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY % a "< ...June 11, 2022
#XSS is about to control user actions. The cited tweet + https://t.co/8itR4RuXwn helped me to have #XSS done
Payload: '"><p only=1337 onmouseen ...June 10, 2022
#WebHosting #WebsiteManagement Cloudflare help: I need to get a backup of my website off my hosting plan with cloudflare. (Budget: £10 - £20 GBP, Jo ...June 10, 2022
When life gives you lemons:
I found it was possible to bypass the WAF by using the X-Forwarded-For header. More impactful was that it was possible to ...June 10, 2022
#AmazonWebServices #Cloudflare Need help getting a website back up: The site is running on aws ec2 on nginx server and served through cloudflare (Budg ...June 9, 2022
Today I've been playing around with SQLMap's tamper scripts which allow you to bypass protections on a WAF by altering / encoding the injected data. ...June 8, 2022
#Azure F5 BigIP LTM and ASM HA pair in azure setup and configuration: F5 BigIP LTM and ASM HA pair in azure setup and configuration setup of a 2 bigIP ...June 7, 2022